Matrix Science Medica (MSM)


February 28, 2019 Posted by din In Uncategorized



Effect of Season on Occurrence of Caprine Mastitis in Beetal in Faisalabad Premises

Matrix Science Medica (MSM)
Author: Muhammad Rashid, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem, Farrah Deeba, Muhammad Sajjad Khan, Syed Ashar Mahfooz, Asif Ali butt, Malik Waseem Abbas

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

DOI: 10.26480/msm.01.2017.19.21

Mastitis in goats, analogous to dairy cattle, is one of the most significant diseases of economic importance, worldwide. For the proposed study 25 Beetal Faisalabadi goat farms comprising 10-20 goats in radius of 25 km was included. Sampling was done during two kidding season first in September-October and second in February-March. The epidemiological data, including goat breed, age, parity, stage of lactation, amount of milk, length of lactation period, and farming system were recorded. These selected herds were screened out by SFMT and positive milk samples were aseptically collected. Samples from infected goats were subjected to microbiological assays. On the basis of results of sampling, screening and microbiological analysis of milk samples it was revealed that mastitis is more in summer season as compared to winter season. In winter the occurrence of mastitis in beetal Faisalabadi was 21.68% and in summer it was 25.70%. Bacteriological examination of mastitic milk samples revealed that Staphylococcus species was the major etiological agent of caprine mastitis in Beetal Faisalabadi goats during both season. Statistical results of the study has showed that age, teat length, teat end, teat symmetry, distance between teat length and floor, stage of lactation and udder shape has significant effect on caprine mastitis (p<0.05). Parameters like season, udder washing, condition of floor, farm hygiene, milk practices and housing has no significant effect on mastitis (p>0.05).
Pages 19-21
Year 2017
Issue 1
Volume 1
